Nursing Foundation Laboratory

Our air conditioned Nursing foundation lab is well equipped with high fidelity Manikins, equipments  and instruments as recommended by the Indian Nursing Council.

To nourish the foundation of nursing, our lab is well suited with simulators on which students will be taught the preliminary training of Patient care. In simulation, the learning is made easy by resembling clinical practices and skills as closely as possible to the real patient care and environment.This also pave a way to the students to think and act as if they were with real patients and yet it prevents students from committing mistakes and causing harm to patients through a trial and error approach. The nursing skills learnt by the student nurses using simulation are safely passed onto actual patient care later on during clinical practice.

To provide comprehensive nursing care to the patients, students are closely supervised and constantly mentored in groups by experts. Basic nursing procedures are demonstrated by the teachers, and then students re-demonstrate on Manikins in the lab and on each other. After gaining confidence, students are permitted to carry out these procedures on patients in the clinical area. In a glimpse, nursing foundation department provides extensive and intensive training and learning opportunities for the students to excel in providing holistic nursing care and to become a competent professional nurse.