Maternal And Child Health Nursing Laboratory
Air-conditioned MCH laboratory with separate labour room provides a comprehensive and high quality teaching with a high fidelity simulation manikin to practice and demonstrate competency of selected obstetric skills. The MCH lab helps the students to acquire knowledge and hands on training in mother and new born care that are to be practiced in clinical settings. It is fully equipped with Pelvis, Fetal skull, various instruments, different kinds of models and manikins, charts, play articles, flash cards and necessary articles for procedure demonstration like assessment of antenatal mother, intranatal and post natal mother, newborn care and growth and development of all age groups.
This MCH lab with high fidelity simulator is an additional asset and it highlights the department in permitting nursing students to acquire complete learning experience in normal and abnormal labor process through simulation based learning which resolve practical dilemma in clinical set up.
We are practicing objective structured practical examination (OSPE/ OSCE) method to conduct practical examination for formative evaluation