Innovation in Nursing

The nursing profession has long embraced innovation–in professional in education and practice. Nurses are motivated to engage in innovative practices primarily because they seek to improve patient experiences, health outcomes and nursing practice.

Here we understand innovation to be about purposeful change: change to realize clearly defined benefits. It doesn’t have to be “brand new”, but it is new within a specific context. Every nurse is an agent of change and an innovator. Every day, nurses work together to solve difficult challenges in the workplace and for their patients A creative nursing education and practice strategies should be utilized that departs from the current rule structure and requires the Board approval for practice.

Nursing Informatics

Integrates nursing science, computer science and information science in identifying, collecting, processing and managing data and information to support nursing practice, administration, education, research

Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)

Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) is a modern type of examination used for many years within healthcare program as a measure of students’ and clinicians’ clinical performance. OSCEs are a form of simulation and are often summative but may be formative. This examination is testing the student’s ability to apply knowledge to the care of patients rather than how well you can remember and recite facts. All the scenarios and any questions relate to current best practice and you should answer them in relation to published evidence and not according to local arrangements.

Formative or mock OSCEs also increase confidence and competence. Students preparing for an OSCE should be psychologically prepared, familiar with how equipment works, know which procedures/guidelines, familiar with checklist/marking criteria and practice answering questions verbally and use feedback from mock/formative OSCE.

Self-Directed Learning

One of the lifelong learning skills is self-directed learning. New educational approaches may be necessary to enhance competency in the new generation of students. Working in the complex and ever changing healthcare settings forces the nurses and nursing students to be equipped with intellectual and experiential self-directed activities for promoting their learning.

Self Assessment Module

Self-assessment is a systematic and transparent process of analyzing one’s own practices to improve the professional development of nursing students. This awareness helps the individual to become active and willing to introduce the required changes like improve their personal and professional development. The results of these analyses can be a powerful instrument to improve the quality of clinical practice and nursing education programs if performed periodically.


 Simulation-based clinical education is a useful pedagogical approach that provides nursing students with opportunities to practice their clinical and decision-making skills through varied real-life situational experiences, without compromising the patient’s well-being. It reproduces both rare and frequent clinical events in a realistic manner as often as needed. Nurses can hone their abilities and skills and commit every possible error without harming real patients. Simulation has long been utilized to train nursing students in BLS, CPR, ACLS and various nursing procedures.

Evidence Based Practice

Evidence Based Practice (EBP) is vital competency for nursing student to learn and provide high-quality of patient care. It is essential for nursing students to focus on education and practice, further; it supports the nursing students to apply towards the patient care.