- College Council
College council functions with an objective maintenance of academic standards, planning coordination, development and review of the curriculum and other academic works.
- Curriculum and Evaluation Committee
Committee works out the entire year plan of curricular activities, stream line the allotted hours for the subjects as per the syllabus. The committee serves as a guide for coordination and implementation of curricular activities.
- Staff and Students selection and recruitment Committee
Recruit the teaching staff, non-teaching staff and students, who fulfill the criteria of apex body, based on the need of institution
- Research committee
Plans and conducts research to find possible solutions for common problems encountered in nursing education, administration and service
- Ethical Committee
Grants ethical clearance to the candidates conducting research in the field of nursing after scrutinizing the problem statement, feasibility, its benefits to nursing profession and confirmation that the research will be conducted as per the guidelines of ICMR (Indian council of medical research).
- Anti – Ragging Committee
Committee works with an aim to make the students and parents aware of the Supreme Court act regarding ragging. The members are always vigilant speciality during admission sessions against any ragging measures.
- Library Committee
Provide continual awareness regarding issues related to health and illness to the students and staff.
- Disciplinary Committee
Plans, develops and displays the rules and regulations to be followed by the students at college, clinical /practice field and hostel. Maintains professional behavior/etiquettes among students throughout the course
- Student’s welfare committee
Students having a desire for personal development as well as psychological or adjustment problems shall be provided with facilities for scientific counseling and guidance. They may be referred to the Institutional psychologists if the Principal is convinced about its need. The student can also register their names at the guidance cell for psychological support. Identifies, communicates and co-ordinates matters concern to welfare and development of students.
- Staff welfare Committee
Identifies, communicates and co-ordinates matters concern to welfare and development of staff.
- Grievance Redressal Cell
Enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the institution by prompt addressing to the needs of the staff and students
- Student’s Nurses Association
The college functions as a single SNA unit. The student representatives of each batch are elected as the office bearers. They function under the leadership of SNA advisor guided by the Principal. The student body enjoys lot of opportunities and exposures during which they could grow and attain leaps and heights. Encourages professional and recreational meetings and sports to uphold the dignity of the profession
- Parent-Teacher association
Facilitate the co-operation between parents, teachers, students and management thereby ensuring quality education.
- Guidance &Counselling Committee.
To impart specific skills and learning opportunities in a proactive, preventive manner, ensuring all students can achieve school success through academic, career and personal/social development experiences.